Welcome to the Applied Improvisation Magazine (AIM)!

What's the aim of the AIM? 

We want to articulate, research, and promote what is going on in the emergent and growing field of Applied Improvisation. The magazine is written primarily by and for members of the Applied Improvisation Network, so we are leaning towards academic rigor and spreading the word to potential collaborators, clients, and related professionals.

That means providing a forum for bright, accessible writing about all the many applications of improvisation.

We also want to AIM HIGH: Human, Intelligent, Generative, Hopeful.

  • Human. As robots and another favorite AI (Artificial Intelligence) whisk us towards the Singularity (or not), perhaps we'll discover that the principles and practices of improvisation are what remains to us as distinctively human. We're talking creativity and collaboration, feelings and embodiment.
  • Intelligent. Improvisers, like other professionals, sometimes say silly things. Here we want to articulate and examine the concepts of improvisation as they are tested in real-world applications beyond the safe space of theatrical rehearsal studios. How well do our familiar tenets stand up to the scrutiny of business, political and humanitarian environments?
  • Generative. Let's share ideas, case studies, and news. Let's inspire each other into fresh intellectual and practical enterprises.
  • Hopeful. And let's make those new enterprises inspiring, positive, inclusive, and thoughtful.

As a reader, you are invited to 'Yes, And…' what you find inside. Accept our writing and illustrations as a starting point and build it better by offering your support, whether that's an article for a future issue, a good question for one of the contributors, or passing a copy along to others who may be interested.

Our current thinking is for an annual publication, accessible via our AIN website, with print-on-demand here.

If you'd like to help with production, layout, editing, writing, or marketing, please let us know at [email protected] 

– The AIM Team


Read the AIM Issues


Click here to access the AIM Issues Page and read the magazine!

Please note: You must log in to your AIN account to read and access AIM. The first two issues are currently available for free, for everyone who creates an AIN account. After May 1st, 2024, only AIN Members and Professionals will have access to the magazine issues.

If you are a Member/Professional or have an AIN account, please click "Login to Download the Full Magazine". 

If you do not have an account with us, click here to create one. It is free to create an AIN account. To learn more about AIN Membership and how to join, please click here.


Magazine Samples

We encourage you to share these samples with your friends and colleagues who are interested in the applied improvisation field.

Issue 2 (newest release!)

Download Free Magazine Sample

Issue 1 (released December 2022)

Download Free Magazine Sample

Do you have questions about the AIM? Check out the AIN Magazine Frequently Asked Questions page!

(Last Updated: Thursday, November 30th, 2023 at 3:30pm CST)